Develop in-house web-based tools to calculate CO2 footprint

Şekerbank developed an automatic digital system to monitor its carbon and water footprints, and customers can also have their emissions calculated using the application
Şekerbank developed this application in response to the Carbon Disclosure Project, which the company has been reporting on since 2010. The data collected and verified through the project necessitated the creation of this web-based application to reduce the company’s carbon footprint and successfully progress on its Net Zero journey. Thanks to the application, emissions are now monitored monthly and annually and any obstacles to emission reductions are eliminated through a reporting mechanism. Calculation and tracking are thus key to reducing the company’s overall carbon emission footprint. In this way, carbon emissions are calculated automatically with the application, and customers can also request their consumption be calculated using the app. Developing this application in-house was advantageous in terms of time and cost, and the company has the IT capacity to develop related applications moving forward.
To better reduce carbon footprints and successfully progress on the Net Zero journey, data must be generated accurately, calculated properly, and tracked to inform decisions. Şekerbank’s web-based app is thus very important in terms of data accuracy and sustainability. The application allows for monthly and annual emissions tracking, with any identified obstacles to emissions reduction identified and eliminated through reporting.
The company tracks the data generated from the application with detailed review and analysis methods and periodic comparisons. It also provides emission reduction training and informative emails to branches where carbon and water footprint values are above average. In case of high emissions because of a technical problem (water leak, equipment malfunction, etc.), the company can contact its technical support teams.
All Şekerbank branches and regional directorates are monitored through the web-based app. Each location enters its carbon and water footprint data into the application every month. Data entry is also encouraged using periodic automatic reminders. The data collected, together with the software offered in the application, calculate and report carbon emissions and water footprint, making it possible to easily manage carbon and water footprint with comparison and grouping modules.
For example, thanks to the controller on the system, it was observed that the average water consumption value of a particular branch was higher than others. The reason for the overconsumption was investigated and no unusual situation was identified. The problem was reported to the technical support teams who identified a water leak at the branch. After necessary repairs, the branch's consumption returned to normal.
Data used to create carbon and water footprint profiles is entered into the application monthly. Since consumption data can be retrieved from the system as a report, unusual situations are identified and investigated through these monthly checks.
The application can also generate data for customers. Calculations are made for all Şekerbank customers who want to measure their carbon and water footprints. There is no limitation at this point, but the priority is corporate and industry customers affected by CBAM. Unusual consumption data can also be identified and reported to customers.
In the application, all emissions reported and verified by Şekerbank within the scope of CDP are calculated in accordance with the GHG Protocol within the Scope 1, 2 and 3 framework.Thus, Scope 1, 2 and 3 based emissions can be tracked by location.
In addition, the company’s Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions can be calculated in line with the demands of customers. And if customers want their emissions calculated in accordance with the GHG Protocol, they can calculate their carbon and water footprint value by providing consumption data.
There are location-based consumption screens in the application. Şekerbank can track its own as well as its customers' consumption rates based on location and reported separately.
Climate impact
Targeted emissions sources
The application calculates Scope 1 and 2 emissions
The application calculates Scope 2 and 3 partially:
Category 1: purchased goods and services
Category 5: waste generated in operations
Category 6: business travel
Category 7: employee commuting
Category 11: use of sold products
Decarbonization impact
The application was created to contribute to Şekerbank’s CDP reporting and includes the company’s 43% reduction target for 2027, which is a declaration compatible with the Science Based Target initiative.
As a result of monitored consumption, the company’s Scope 1 & 2 total emissions decreased by 14% compared to the previous year. Meanwhile, Scope 2 emissions from electricity consumption decreased from 5,907 CO2eq in 2021 (before launching the application) to 4,572 CO2eq (following the introduction of the application, the warning system, and the company’s transition to renewable energy).
In line with its respective targets, Şekerbank achieved the sum of its Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions at the level of 48%, compared to its reduction target of 5% in the 2018 base year.
Regarding its emission calculations, Şekerbank acts with the awareness that the major share of emissions is within the customer portfolio, Scope 3/15 investments. It also takes investments into consideration in the targets it has set within the scope of SBTi. Within the scope of the relevant project, the company monitors the emission values of customers before and after the investment and considers the positive impact provided. For example, the refrigerant gas emissions prevented by switching the electric cooling system used in the retail sector to a water cooling system is a reduction resulting from an investment.
The decarbonization impact of the project will be possible through emission monitoring and annual reporting. Thanks to the training carried out and the company’s sustainability strategy, its will achieve its carbon emission reduction target in line with the Scientifically Based Targets Metrics.
Business impact
The app prevents data loss and makes the data validation phase more efficient. It has reduced operational burden and increased productivity. The application also provides for the digitalization of sustainability efforts and builds annual data memory.
Before launching the application, Şekerbank calculated emissions manually using Excel. In this context, errors led to incomplete data and loss of work hours. These problems are now prevented with the developed of the application.
Additionally, in the next phase of the project, Şekerbank aims to include suppliers in its web-based tool.
The application was created by Şekerbank’s IT and Sustainability teams. As such, the project did not require external development services.
During the development process, the company’s IT team used software like React, MS SQL, C#, and Redis Cache.
Impact beyond climate and business
Carbon and water footprint reduction targets, climate change mitigation, carbon border adjustment mechanism, climate change risk evaluation, and Science Based Targets initiative targets
Potential side-effects
The coefficients in the automatic carbon emission calculation model need to be updated based on the IPCC and GHG protocols. This requires data in the software be up to date. Inclusion of all customers in the process and integration of customer data into the system are among the difficulties Şekerbank encountered throughout the process. This problem is overcome in part with warning and reminder emails.
Typical business profile
Corporations, including Şekerbank’s customers, who encounter problems with accurately calculating their carbon footprint.
The need to develop the relevant application was revealed by the Sustainability team.
The implementation was completed by the IT team and Sustainability teams in approximately 7 months.
The preparation phase lasted 1.5 months, the development phase 3 months, the test environment 1 month, and the pilot environment trial process 1.5 months.
Data on the consumption contributing to the company’s carbon and water footprint is entered into the system every month. Thanks to the coefficients compatible with the GHG Protocol integrated into the system, emission calculations are made based on consumption data and the system generates reports automatically.
Stakeholders involved
Project Leads: Sustainable Development Team
Company functions: IT Team, Project Office, and Sustainable Development Team
Main providers: IT Team, Project Office
Other: Customers providing data
Key parameters to consider
Solution maturity: There are existing applications like Şekerbank’s application, but none are exactly the same
Lifetime: Indefinite
Technical constraints or pre-requisites: The application requires periodic software updates.
Additional specificities: Location information