Set target
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Get started: the 3 steps for setting a net-zero target
Setting targets is a fundamental step of any decarbonization journey
Setting robust and meaningful targets will require you to first understand your organization’s emissions profile (see Measure & Verify) and secure its support to commit to net zero, in line with global efforts to limit average temperature rises to 1.5°C and well below 2°C.

Follow these three steps to set our company targets
Understand the fundamentals of net zero targets
Understand what net zero means for your company and discover the best practices in setting targets to net zero no later than 2050, with supporting interim milestones.
Shape short-term and long-term targets to define your net zero commitment
Strengthen your company’s net zero ambition with relevant interim targets and a high-level climate action plan, then review and revalidate every five years, as climate science evolves.
Turn your targets into action
Learn how to embed your company’s climate target within its purpose, strategy and performance management systems. Discover voluntary initiatives that you can join to enhance and amplify your impact.
*Note on sustaining organizational buy-in
Maintaining support from your organization throughout the target-setting process is important to ensure successful implementation. Use a range of tactics to keep your teams aligned with the net zero direction, as targets are established:
Management backing
Management and team leaders should demonstrate their commitment to the process by integrating net zero targets into their own management plans, net zero messaging into communications, and by finding high profile, supportive ways to involve themselves in the target-setting process.
Visibility on process
A successful net zero target setting process will involve many parts of your organization. Team members need to understand the process and their role within it to contribute effectively and be supportive.
Education on climate
Make sure teams involved in target-setting exercises have a foundational understanding of climate science, decarbonization and the importance of net zero. Team mates should feel empowered with knowledge in order to be constructive participants.
A collaborative formation
Seek input from the teams closest to the implications of the net zero initiatives (e.g. procurement, operations, supply chain, sales etc) to best understand your baseline, identify transition opportunities and develop early internal support for targets.