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Get started: identify and implement emission reduction levers

How to identify and prioritize emission reduction levers and accelerate their implementation.

The previous three chapters of this guidebook addressed preparing, measuring, and verifying emissions, and setting targets. In this chapter, we will guide you through the process of prioritizing, planning, and implementing your emissions reduction actions.

There are four steps in this chapter:

Step 1: Understand decarbonization approaches from a macro perspective

This step will introduce you to the nine most relevant abatement approaches, including descriptions, climate and business impacts, and examples of each. Additionally, you will begin to understand the role of abatement approaches in so-called hard-to-abate sectors like steel and iron, cement, and chemicals.

Step 2: Explore abatement levers from a company perspective

This step will provide a company-level perspective on abatement levers. It includes an explanation of the GHG Protocol emissions categories, followed by guidance on how to decarbonize your own operations as well as your Scope 3 upstream and downstream emissions. (You can also explore practical information about renewable energy technology and implementation options, in a Learn More section.)

Step 3: Build your decarbonization roadmap

This step will introduce you to marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs), their uses, how to build them, and how to scout and size abatement levers for your company. Additionally, you will explore how to evaluate the ease of implementation, timeline, and other relevant factors for prioritizing lever implementation. You will also see how to build and test strategic scenarios and develop a more specific plan for climate action, and how to progressively put your decarbonization roadmap into practice.

Step 4: Drive implementation through critical enablers

This final step will begin with how to make sustainability a core part of your company’s operations by building a core operating model and implementing critical enablers. Next, you will explore how to leverage funding opportunities to help finance your sustainability journey. Finally, you will be introduced to options to create and use partnerships and ecosystems within your business environment to help you accelerate toward your reduction goals.